华南经济论坛第240期:Douglas Hanley教授讲座
题目:Theory and evidence on the relationship between government favors and innovation
主讲人:Douglas Hanley, University of Pittsburgh
主讲人简介:现任美国匹兹堡大学助理教授,宾夕法尼亚大学经济学博士。Hanley教授在企业创新和经济增长等方面研究成果卓著。目前已经有多篇论文发表在经济学的顶级期刊Journal of Political Economy, American Economic Review (Papers and Proceedings),Econometrica,Review of Economic Studies等。
内容摘要:In this paper, we generate an equilibrium model for firm’s innovation and examine the causal effect of corruption on firm’s innovation behavior. Using a difference-in-difference approach, we find that the anti-corruption campaign can increase firm’s innovation in the forms of granted patents, and this is robust to various robustness checks. We also explore the mechanism through which the corruption impacts on firm’s innovations.