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华南经济论坛第245期:Shuichiro  Nishioka 副教授讲座

2018-11-08 14:40:00 来源:院科研办 点击: 收藏本文



演讲人:Shuichiro Nishioka(West Virginia University)

题目:Trade and the Political Realignment in the 1980s:

             Evidence from U.S. Presidential Elections 

内容摘要:The Reagan Revolution cut deeply into the dominant Democratic coalition that began with the New Deal Democrats. This paper shows that the redistributional e¤ect of trade across U.S. regions played an important role in the political realignment in the 1980s. While the Reagan administration promoted fair and free trade, the Democratic Party responded by supporting protectionist measures against Japanese competitors. We show that voting shares for the Republican presidential candidates decreased in the Midwest where they faced strong import competition with Japan and increased in the South and the farm belt where U.S. exports to Japan created local business opportunities.